Explore chicken math
Explore chicken math

Kaya and Sai explore and acknowledge the tastes of their meals and put them into a cultural context for the reader. The belief is that one should take time during meals to taste, acknowledge, and understand where your meal comes from.

explore chicken math

Mindful eating is an ancient Buddhist belief that connects eating to meditation.

explore chicken math

They don’t take the time to taste or think about their food and where it came from. Many adults eat thoughtlessly, simply to satisfy hunger. The goal is to teach kids (and perhaps their parents) a more thoughtful way to eat. Kaya and Sai put the mindfulness back into meals.

Explore chicken math series#

The adventure begins! The Kaya and Sai series is urban, chic, intelligent, fun, and delicious. After their Dad proclaims “YOU DON’T HAVE TO LIKE EVERYTHING YOU TRY, BUT YOU HAVE TO TRY EVERYTHING ONCE!” the family heads to a hip ethnic eatery. Every story takes place in the same urban setting inspired by their lives in New York City. They teach young readers about different countries and cultures. Each book explores a specific ethnic dish from a different country, so readers learn about unfamiliar countries and cultures through the medium of food. Dishes such as Chicken Tikka Masala tastes BOLD like the Himalayas, and RICH like the Taj Mahal. The facts are fun and lighthearted, and young readers expand their vocabulary with words such as “Namaste,” “Pura Vida,” and “Konichiwa.” The information often mirrors the taste of the dish they are sampling.

explore chicken math

Kaya and Sai offer the readers “small bites” that connect food to its country/culture. The taste, smell, and color of the dish reflect its origin. The Kaya and Sai series lay the foundation for children to have an openness and readiness to be citizens of the world and embrace cultures that are different from theirs through the medium of food.

Explore chicken math